Corn Mother by Silver RavenWolf
Mabon – Fall Equinox – The Season of Closure
by Silver RavenWolf copyright 2016
The power of Mabon unfolds when the Sun is at 1 degree Libra. This year, Mabon (Fall Equinox) occurs on Thursday, the 22nd of September at 10:21 AM EDT/ 7:21 AM PDT. A few hours earlier, Mercury turns direct. The third quarter Moon is in Gemini in Her Disseminating (Harvest) phase. The Corn Mother, whether she is called Selu, Demeter, Brighid, the Cailleach, or Maighdean-Bhuana rules the Autumn Equinox. She brings good fortune, bountiful harvest, and bright blessings to all who acknowledge Her; particularly gifting those who have worked hard throughout the season to bring joy, wisdom, and delight to the creatures of the earth and its inhabitants.
This is the Season of Closure, where the dramas, projects, and lingering events that have unfolded since last November (when the astrological Samhain marks the new Pagan year) demand completion. The two weeks before Mabon you may feel the urge to finish any number of issues, whether they brought you joy or sadness. From the conclusion of a significant project to the relief of finally shutting down the detritus of something unpleasant, Mabon offers you the opportunity to close it up, lock the door, and walk away.
With Mercury turning direct on Mabon you have a fantastic opportunity for swinging the wand of forward motion in the direction you desire. The hours when Mercury stations before turning direct build power that is expended at the moment the planet shifts and turns direct. I call this window and the subsequent release of energy, the opportunity for sling-shot magick! The trick is to begin with the release energy already available. This includes the harvest phase of the year and the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse that occurs on 16 September at 3:05 PM EDT/12:05 PM PDT, along with the recognition of the power that Mercury has attained during its retrograde period where the focus was on building within. Prep yourself and your life to let go of what isn’t needed, wanted, or helpful in the week before the Fall Equinox. I realize that many of you have already been doing this in the last several months. I read all the comments on my FB posts, and several of them mention cleaning out garages, move of house, letting go of negative employment, etc. These previous actions will serve you well, and what you do now? The sweet icing on the cake! A full house cleaning between the 16th and the 21st,, preparing the home for winter/summer (depending upon your location), harvesting/prep for planting (again, depending upon your location), reviewing payment plans and finances for upcoming holiday spending, weeding out extraneous projects that munch through your valuable time, etc. Perhaps you would like to take the time this year and make a corn dolly – the ultimate symbol of the season.
As a reminder, Mercury will again retrograde during the Yule holiday. I hear the groans. Yup! The planet enters its storm on Thursday the 15th of December (where you will actually notice the sluggish energy and more than one hysterical fallout) and retrogrades on Monday, the 19th of December. My advice? Keep your calendar cleaner than usual and shop EARLY. I mention this here because what you don’t take care of this retrograde period (which is right now), is going to come back and bite you. Don’t put tasks off – tie them up this Mercury go-around so that during the major holidays you will be golden.
Mabon is the perfect time to blend with nature and give thanks for Her support of human life. A walk in the woods, a visit to a field or orchard, or performing a meditation in your garden are all positive actions that will uplift the heart and guide a clearer mind to better future choices. Put your hands on the earth, run energy into the soil, feast your eyes on the true glory of what is already there!
Let go of the whiney-baby pissy pants shit and move forward.
Life is short.
You are here to bring joy!
You are here to create!
The Wheel is turning ever forward Whisper thee your act of closure Fill the cauldron, light the fire Cast the magick ever higher! Find the laughter, make ye merry Mother’s heartbeat, act of Fairy Magick swirls and eddies onward Field of change is sweetly honored Golden glow and autumn’s kiss Season’s end demands all this.
Many blessings this autumn season! Silver