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Silver RavenWolf – Day 28 -Monday – 28 December 2015 – Great Release Challenge


2015 Great Release Program Day 28- December 28 2015 by Silver RavenWolf

Every day you must throw or give something away!

Monday 3rd Quarter Moon in Leo (Closure)

Sun Hour for Leo Energy Moon Hour for the Ruler of the Day

This Week’s Theme:  Peace Within – Closure

The Foundation —  Begin your day with the Braucherei Morning cleansing and empowerment exercise (please view first post of the program ).

This Week’s Theme — Closure!

Things forgotten, tasks left unfinished, projects begun and set aside…all these open things, even though they are small, can ramp up the stress level in our lives.  This week, our last of the challenge, our focus is on completion of these small things before the New Year begins and Mercury turns retrograde on Tuesday, the 5th of January.  If you are having trouble with any of these closures — put your hands on the object, project, thing, etc., breathe deeply and use these words (or others of your choosing) before you dig in:

Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace Within.

Continue to use the Five Rays of Joy exercise given on On Day 12 .

If you like, continue to use the Peace Prayer in your daily activities (located in Day 2 of the program) and and Peace in the Moment visualization.  When you have finished with this week’s theme exercise, move on to today’s fun activities!

Silver’s Notes:  After today, only 3 days left in our Challenge!

We are coming in on the home stretch!  Hang in there!  Only 3 days to go!  I am so proud of you!  I actually managed to get that closet finished (much to my husband’s dismay as he eyed the five contractor bags of trash) — however, I am clapping my hands and jumping up and down!  I also made a small, small dent in the craft room — I’ll do my best to get as much completed as I can before we ring in 2016!

Magickal Challenge

Today’s Magickal Challenge is prep for your New Year’s Ritual.  Choose whether you would like to perform it on the eve, or on the day.  This year the Moon is in Virgo and then voids on New Year’s Eve — and is in Libra on New Year’s Day.  You may want to take that information into consideration when planning your ritual.  Start thinking about what you desire for this ritual — Moon is in the 3rd Quarter — Releasing and Clearing.  You may want to use the holiday for personal, spiritual cleansing — out with the old and in with the new!  Don’t forget about the goals we talked about at the beginning of the program.  Finally, we are honoring our hard work with the Release Challenge!  You deserve the best!

Begin gathering your altar setup today (if you haven’t already), so that everything will be at your fingertips when you perform your ritual.  Remember the stick you were going to decorate?  That will be a part of your ritual, too.


Lord Thorn’s Altar 2014

Your second magickal challenge today is to study the Thorn/Thurisaz. This is another powerful rune — considered a war fetter.  Use it with great respect.  How do you think you can you apply this rune in your life?


Physical Challenge

Your physical challenge today is super easy!  Prepare your date book or family calendar for the new year!


Llewellyn’s Daily Planetary Guide is my favorite because it shows Moon in the Signs and planetary information that is helpful for ritual and spell planning.  Every year has good fortune days when Jupiter, Venus, and the Sun are well aspected.  I always look for those days at the beginning of the year and circle them.  These are excellent days for rituals of super success or creating potions, conjuring bags, fluid condensers and more for positive influences in your life.  I also highlight Mercury, Mars, or Venus retrogrades when applicable – these are rest periods or times to work on old projects rather than begin anything new.

Today’s Summary

Practice the Peace in the Moment Exercise.

Repeat the Peace Prayer, Star Throw Blessing, and Peace in the Moment exercises if you like.

Practice your personal Five Rays of Joy wake-up program.

Concentrate on Finishing Any Open Projects

Start writing and gathering supplies for your New Year’s Ritual — it should focus on the completion of this program and the goals you listed at the beginning of our 2015 challenge.

Study the Thurisaz/Thorn Rune – How Can You Use This Rune in your Work?

Prepare your Magickal Calendar for the coming year.

    Throw out or give one thing away (most important task)

Don’t forget to add the coins to your Joy Jar!

Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace Within

Sleep Well and see you tomorrow!


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