Use the Shell of an Orange, Lemon or Grapefruit to make an Amazing Prosperity Candle!
How To Make A Prosperity Candle Using A Fresh Orange Shell by Silver RavenWolf copyright 2012
Years ago Lady Breid Foxsong created a chant that goes like this:
Gold and Silver Coins Galore! All are coming To my door!
As I hummed the chant the other day when pouring candles, I thought, “Why not use an orange shell to punch up the power of a prosperity spell?” Add a few Chinese good luck coins, grind in a bit of prosperity powder, sprinkle the top of the candle with gold and silver glitter to match the chant, and…ta-da! Super charged prosperity candle!
Here’s What You’ll Need
One fresh orange
Candle wax of your choice and appropriate equipment: I used soy because it requires only one pour and doesn’t sink. You can purchase microwaveable soy wax at your craft store, which eliminates muss, fuss, and extra equipment if you are not a candle making enthusiast. Most brands are an easy clean with soap and water.
Prosperity Herbs of your choice: I used mint from my 2011 garden, cinquefoil (the Braucherei herb of good fortune), a little rosemary to clear away negativity, and chamomile. I also chose protective cloves as a decoration.
One Waxed Wick: that will support the diameter of your orange.
Wick Tab or glue gun: to secure the wick to the orange, keeping it stable while pouring.
Prosperity Coins: you can use the Chinese Good Fortune coins as I have shown here, or you can use coins from your own country. Brand new coins (such as pennies) also encourage good fortune and prosperity.
Gold & Silver Glitter: matches the chant above, or you can choose another color, or go without completely.
Sweet Fragrance or Essentials: to match your intent. Honeysuckle, orange, bergamot or mint are excellent choices for prosperity. Color can also be added. There was no color added in the example candle.
Other supplies you may find helpful: Tray covered with tinfoil (to catch any drips or spills when you pour the wax). Paper towels. Metal skewer to punch holes in orange shell so that decorative cloves can be easily inserted.
Here’s How To Do It

Choose an orange that will sit evenly on a flat surface.
Step One. If the candle is for magickal work, cleanse and consecrate all tools, herbs, etc. in the manner in which you are most comfortable. When you are ready, cut the orange with a sharp knife.

Pat the inside of the shell as dry as you can with a paper towel.
Step Two. Clean out the meat of the orange from the shell with a spoon or a citrus spoon. If you eat the orange meat, you encourage good fortune coming directly to you.
Step Three. Pat the shell dry with a paper towel. Remove as much moisture as you can.

Affix wick to the bottom center of the orange shell.
Step Four. Affix wick tab to wick bottom. Place wick in center of orange shell. You can also use a glue gun for this step. As the orange shell was still a bit damp when I placed the wick, it tried to slip a bit, but remained stable during the pouring process.
Step Five. Heat wax according to manufacturer’s instructions. Add color and scent according to product instructions. In the example candle, I chose to use the natural color of the soy. While the wax is melting, grind any herbs you wish to add to your final blend. Remember that whole herbs tend to make candles unpredictable. To ensure a safe burn, I always powder the herbs and use only a small amount of the powder in the brew. Again, this is your choice.

Mint, cinquefoil, and chamomile are great herbs for a prosperity candle. You can also add patchouli!
Step Six. Fill shell about three-quarters full with hot wax. Allow to slightly cool — about fifteen or twenty minutes before adding coins.
Step Seven. Press the lucky coins into the wax tight against the sides. If the wax is too hot, you’ll know, because the coins won’t stay. Conversely, if the wax is too cold, it may chip. Take your time.
Step Eight. When you have added all the coins you desire, continue pouring hot wax until it reaches the brim of the orange shell.
Step Nine: Sprinkle edges of candle (away from the wick) with your empowered herbal powder. Add gold and silver glitter. Allow candle to cool completely.

Step Ten: If you choose to ring your orange candle with decorative cloves, carefully insert skewer about 1/4 inch from the rim of orange to create a small hole. The hole doesn’t have to be very deep, particularly if you are afraid of dislodging the coins around the candle. Insert one clove into each hole.

Finished Prosperity Candle
Your candle is now ready for ritual work or spell casting! Use Lady Breid’s chant to bring that prosperity you deserve right to your door!
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