by Silver RavenWolf
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions…isn’t that what we constantly face? Sometimes the idea that we must move in a direction is so frightening that we have difficulty wiggling even one pinky-toe toward a course of action.
I call this “tharning” — like a deer in the headlights (of which I see plenty out here in the woods). Read it once in a book — Watership Down. Yup.
The New Year often presses the mind with the concept that we do have choices…we do have the opportunity to start anew.
The biggest hurdle? The idea there is a hurdle in the first place.
Here is a little liquid magick that doesn’t go in the gullet on New Year’s Eve — you use the empowered herb, fruit, and water mixture to bless your house, a specific room, your front or back porch, interior and exterior doors, etc. Check the temp of the water to ensure that it is exactly 39 degrees Fahrenheit when you empower it. Franz Bardon ( found the water holds a charge better than at any other temp. I’ve tried the chilled water technique and it works beautifully!
You can use this formula at any time during the year to break apart negativity and destroy blocks that stand in the way of your prosperity and general happiness. In warm weather, use a broom to completely wash the front steps, porch, and back entrances into your living area. A good formula for general ritual circle, for cleansing the area before a wedding or baby blessing, or clearing out your sacred space once a month.
Happy New Year!!!
Looking for quality herbal candles? Silver’s on-line store has a growing selection of quality candles. Her basil candles, perfect for today’s working, contain African Basil herb raised in her own garden.