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Great Release Program — Day 15 — Monday — Break Day — Silver RavenWolf

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

Silver RavenWolf

Break Day! Take a rest! Oh…and break something.

Break Day — Time To Release Those Frustrations Once and For All!!!

2014 Great Release Program Day 15 – December 15  2014 — Monday by Silver RavenWolf

Every day you must throw something away! and — this week — Every day you must GIVE one thing away!

Monday — ! Moon in Libra — Teamwork, Diplomacy, Harmony, and Innovation!

4th Quarter (Removal, Rest and Recovery)

Ideal Planetary Hour for Libra Magick — Venus

This Week’s Theme: Direction

Pick a positive thought.  Hold on to it.  SEND it to a loved one.  Retain the connection as long as you can. Practice sending one positive thought to someone you love three times a day.

You Have Made It Halfway Through The Program!

CELEBRATE!!!! Light a Yellow Candle to celebrate your success!  This is your Thank You candle offered to the Universe.  Say all the things you are thankful for, and then set the light in honor of the gifts you have received.

 Hail and Welcome!!!

Congratulations!  You have made it halfway through the program!  Happy Dance!!!  Count up your stars and give yourself a whopping treat!  You deserve it!

Today’s Challenge — Is super easy!  Today is Break Day!  Yes, you can take a break if you like — you earned it!  Today is your mid-program holiday!  Celebrate by breaking something.  No kidding.  An old dish.  Something that is already beyond repair (not a person).  Break it.  Stomp on it.  Release that pent up pain.  Yell.  Scream.  Holler.  Best to do it outside.  Play Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries, if you like.  Clean up the pieces and throw them out.  Your challenge today, is finished!

The Dark of the Moon — 4th quarter energy — is all about release and recovery.  Today’s the day to let it all go!

Summary — Here is today’s list!  

1.  Perform Your Morning Braucherei Ritual (1 star) 2.  Throw at least ONE thing away. (2 stars) 3.  Give at least one thing away. (1 star) 4  Make a concerted effort to send one positive thought to someone you love as long as you can three times today. (1 star) 5.  Do today’s main challenge — Break Day! (1 star) 6.  Do one 3-Minute Dash! (3 stars) 7.  Empower and burn your Thank You candle. (1 star) 8.  Post how the program is going for you in the comment section (5 stars) 9.  Don’t forget to do your Evening Walk Through right before you go to bed! (1 star)

Total Number of Stars You Can Earn Today:  16  

See ya in the morning! Silver

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