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Russia, Polina and a Country Tune

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

The other week, a woman by the name of Polina wrote the following on my FaceBook page.  I’m posting it here not so that you can read how grand I am.  Truly, it shows us the determination of one young woman, Polina, in a far off country, who took an idea and ran with it.  May she have many blessings!  Here is her letter:

Dear Silver Ravenwolf,

I’m writing to you from far-away Russia. My name is Polina and I’m 25 years old. Something about 13 years ago, on a mysterious occasion, I came across your book in the Moscow subway.  It was TeenWitch: Wicca for a New Generation, and it has changed my whole life from many perspectives. Honestly, I was growing up with it in my hands. Even these days I have it on my bookshelf and I take it when I need some inspiration or when nostalgia comes up. You’ve opened up Wicca to me, the new brave world where a little girl from a poor family can influence her own life and hold it firm in her hands without being angry on everybody around for bad luck and sad fortune. I can’t imagine what my life could look like if I hadn’t discovered Wicca, but luckily I did it with you help! I was living in a poor family, and very often the poor are angry and envious with the more successful because they think they simply can not change their lives. … And I was alike. I did not have any special talents, my future plans seemed dark and vogue and I used to think even then that my life would not be a bed of roses. Those days I was just 12. I was fond of telling lies, being capricious and shifting the blame on others.

With Wicca, everything changed. Of course, it was not a one night miracle, but by gradual investigating Wicca and facing myself to the Goddess I was changing day by day. I was learning to be honest with my own self and other people, to bear responsibility for all my actions, both magickal and not. I realized how important it is to explore the world every single moment because each grain of knowledge, inspiration and hope, which life gives you, can turn into good. My living became a blessing. Each day was full of even more colors and hopes. I discovered that neither my social origin, nor life circumstances, nor education and place of living – nothing is able to prevent me from being happy and helping people around. The years rolled by and I read many other books about Wicca, but this one – my very first book – remains something dear and special. I hope my little daughter will read it one day. As for today, I am a Wiccan activist in Russia. Namely I’m a co-founder and active member of the Russian Wiccan Alliance, an activist of Moscow House of Wiccans and of Pagan Federation International Russia. A hand maker, an event-coordinator and, I’d like to believe, an inspirer of many Wiccans across Russia. Today my life is full of wonderful colors, Magick, adventures, events and plans. And all these things were revealed to me one May day almost 13 years ago.

I am very grateful to you for this book – everything of the above has happened because of you! Best Regard, ParNada

Polina’s letter inspired me.  She reminded me that we have to keep going, keep trying, keep becoming.   Several years ago, when I did the A&E Biography interview, they asked me what my goal was in the world of magick.  At the time, I said, “I would really like to put together a course that teaches Pow-Wow (Braucherei/Whisper Magick).  Every time I thought I would settle down to work on it — life happened.  Good things like marriages of children, grandchildren, a new home…and tough things — dealing with the home care of an elderly parent, his sickness, and his eventual passing.

Last night, my husband took me out to dinner.  It was a pleasant evening, and as we returned home, I drank in the twilight.  The soft glow of the landscape.  The smooth aromas of the coming summer night.  The early fireflies twinkling against the inky blackness of the woods beyond the field.  I had Polina’s letter on my mind as I relaxed and enjoyed the car ride.

A song came on the radio.  I don’t know the name of the guy who sings it.  I have no idea of the name of the song.  But, I loved the refrain that basically says something like — when hell breaks loose, keep on rolling.

That sort of sums up my past five years.  And ya know?  He’s right.

My Grandmother Krow (a Capricorn) always said, “Don’t give up, and don’t give in.”  I’ve thought about her a lot these past five years.  As a child, she was always there for me with her West Virginia drawl common sense, straight up talk, and faith that you could always find a way.  My Etsy shop is named after her:  CrowCrossroads, and because of her influence in my life, I decided to get off my duff and put together that course.

The Granny Magick course is the first time I have offered on-line training.  It is a magickal blend of Braucherei techniques and Granny enchantment.  The students learn whisper magick, and how to make magick out of nothing.  A very DIY approach that celebrates the creativity of the student.  To go with the course, I developed a private blog for the students.  That way, they can work through the lessons at their own pace, and still have on-line support from myself and the other students.  Heading into the second month, we’re doing well.  I’ve also been working on candles, oils, and formulas that match the training — which has been exciting and fulfilling.  Every day my house brims with brewing magick.

In my spare time, I’ve been working on my own counted cross-stitch designs and I’m teaching myself to quilt.  I have a new book in the works, and things are rolling along.  For me?  It’s like going home where the air is fresh, the love is grand, and the days always bring joy.

Keep on rolling, Polina — I’m right there with ya.


Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace within.

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