Saturday – 14 January 2017 3rd Quarter Moon begins in Leo – Voids – Moves into Virgo Saturn Day
Today’s Goal – The Bathroom and Personal Care Products Don’t Forget Your Main Goal
Thank you for all the comments you left on Day One of the Release Week Challenge! I really appreciate hearing from you! Some of you have asked why I posted “on the wrong day” — that is because I set this challenge up early so that folks from other countries could also enjoy it. Some are 7 hours or more ahead of the United States, so posting early is helpful to them. Please also note that we are using the Almanac Quarter Division for the monthly astro info — not the 8 Phase moon model. This may confuse someone who isn’t familiar with both types of moon information. I use Llewellyn’s Daily Planetary Guide for source material.
Secondly, there have been requests for the Universal Fluid Condenser formula. Here is a current link for you: This is from Sybil Leek material.
For the last two years I have been creating and designing magickal herbal formulas and powders, unique enchanted sigils, and a plethora of Spirit Dolls. Say “Hellow!” to Taco Cat! the mascot of the 2017 Release Week Program. He is a one of a kind Spirit doll that I designed to help me with motivational projects. He is stuffed with a selection of “git-er-done” magickal herbs, a big crystal and a paper sigil. I then painted the stuffed muslin form with brown acrylics. When dry, Taco Cat was sanded, painted with coffee, and rubbed with taco spice herbs mixed with real moonshine, provided by a kindly southern friend. (which is why I call him Taco Cat!). He was baked for 20 minutes in the oven. I finished Taco Cat by completing the eyes, painting the tail, and adding needle felted hair and glitter. Taco Cat is an extension of my desire to finish projects quickly and efficiently. As life doesn’t always work that way, Taco Cat represents my desire to complete all my goals. I can always try! Never give up and never give in! Taco Cat reminds me of this – keep working – keep going – even when you don’t want to or don’t feel like it. Even when you are hurting, or feeling sad, or lost, or…whatever! You can do it. “I gotcha back! say de Taco Cat!”
After 30 years of smoking? I celebrate 3 months smoke-free at the end of this program. Cold Turkey. No vaping, no pills, no patches, no gum.
Just blind determination.
And de Taco Cat.
Taco Cat spent all week posing for each day’s picture to go along with the program. He was there as I completed each recommended task. I never ask you to do anything I have not done myself. Taco Cat was so excited to be of service! He asked if he could have his picture taken with the family’s Need Dolly. So here it is! Taco Cat is not for sale and you won’t be able to find a spirit animal like him anywhere — his birth was in my mind transferred to graph paper in the wee hours of the morning under a Scorpio moon.
On a final note — I received some comments about the astrological information — due to the varying time zones of the individuals using the program, I can’t give absolute times for your specific location– if this is important to you, use an astrological computer program or handbook of your choice.

Astrologically, today is a busy day! The Leo Moon is blabbing to a compendium of planets in a positive way – so rocketing forward is a great goal, especially if you work in the early morning hours. The Moon Voids in the afternoon and here we work on daily tasks and hum-drum stuff. Later, the Moon moves into orderly Virgo. This energy will be very helpful for our cleansing and clearing activities.
Get your day started with a few 3-minute-dashes, then move on to the bathroom and your personal care products (which always manage to get nasty the longer you keep them). The primary focus of this week is: Get Rid Of (not buy more). Empty spots tend to pull items in. Have you ever noticed that when you make a concerted effort to clear an area that junk wanders in from other people’s hands? Aye-ya! This time, when you clean and get rid of?
Ward and seal the area.
You can sprinkle holy water, use a sage stick or sacred incense, tuning forks or a singing bowl – all of these objects linked with the practice of connecting with peace and harmony boost not only your emotions but the emotions of others in the home as well.
Take a Walk Outdoors Today
At the beginning of the program I encouraged you to go outside and find natural objects for your Need Doll. Some of you indicated that the weather was just too awful, and I suggested that you use your imagination and walk around your living environment and find useful items that way. Taco Cat and I will be taking a walk in the woods again today. The fresh air is important for your continued healing, even if is just a little bit. We are going to write down on a piece of paper all we want to get rid of in our lives before we go into the forest. Then, we are going to walk as far as we can, just enjoying nature. Right before we turn to go home, we will safely burn our paper, then scatter the cold ashes. We will ask a tree to help us, and the briars, too! We will also leave birdseed for the birds and food for other critters. Then, without looking back, we will turn around and come home. It is okay to let go of things that hurt you so.

Today is a Saturn day – the foundation of limits, structure, and rewards. Saturn also applies to older folks, antiques, DIY projects, and stuff you should have completed ages ago? And didn’t. Take advantage of Saturn’s “finish” energy to complete open projects you’ve been ignoring. Have fun with today’s tasks!
Love Silver and Taco Cat
Do several one-minute or three-minute dashes. Clean out and organize you’re the bathroom and personal care projects. Do one task that helps you accomplish your primary goal for the week. Throw or give one thing away. Empower and burn one white candle.
The artwork for this program was created with a mobile phone app called PicsArt –