Pisces Moon encourages spiritual development.
2014 Great Release Program Day 26 – December 26 2014 — Friday (Venus Day) by Silver RavenWolf
Every day you must throw or give something away! Moon in Pisces — Element of Water
Ideal Planetary Hour for Pisces Magick — Jupiter
Empower a purple, white, or blue candle for Spiritual Healing.
This Week’s Theme: Stillness
Think of nothing for as long as you can. As each thought tries to pop into your mind, take a deep breath, and envision the thought turns to liquid and melts away. Try to practice this three times a day.
In total stillness — there is great potential.
Hail and Welcome!
Six days! That’s all we have left in this year’s program! Congratulate yourself on how far you have come! Traditionally, today is ” the day after Christmas” — you may feel the need to relax, readjust, or put things “in order”. With the Pisces Moon energy you may be experiencing the creative, dreamy side of life. Pisces, more than any other moon energy, has the ability to open the window in your experience to see the big picture. It can help you to understand how your actions affect not just yourself, but those around you. A futuristic energy, today is a day where you can work on your long-term goals in a very creative way. Good timing, imagination, spiritual healing, purification, wisdom, and channeling spiritual power are all positive aspects of Pisces Moon Energy.
Today’s Challenge: Today we are going to create a talisman using the Notarikon technique to manifest a personal goal.
Notarikon (Hebrew: נוטריקון, Noṭariqōn) is a method of deriving a word, by using each of its initial or final letters to stand for another, to form a sentence or idea out of the words. Another variation uses the first and last letters, or the two middle letters of a word, in order to form another word. The word “notarikon” is borrowed from the Greek language (νοταρικόν)), and was derived from the Latin word “notarius” meaning “shorthand writer.” Notarikon is one of the three ancient methods used by the Kabbalists to rearrange words and sentences. (Wikipedia).
First — write out your goal using as few words as possible; yet, keeping the focus clear. Although you can use this technique for anyone, today I would like you to do one for yourself as you are the epicenter of your life and therefore change with yourself will facilitate change in the world around you. If you are having trouble choosing or are worried about how to word your desire, simply work for joy in your life. Here is an example:
Joy in my life every day = JIMLED if just using the first letter of each word.
Joy in my life every day = JYINMYLEEYDY if using the first and last letters in each word.
Joy in my life every day = OYINMYIFERAY if using the two middle letters in each word, etc.
The letters become a sigil of power that you can use in a variety of magickal applications. Only you know what the letters stand for; therefore, no one can destroy your intent with doubt. (Except you, of course.)
Since the Moon is in Pisces, the best planetary hour to create your Notarikon today for themes like: spiritual wisdom, spiritual healing, joy, inner happiness, imagination, creativity, listening skills, purification, dreaming and dream interpretation, good use of one’s instinct, psychic abilities, deep understanding or general mystical work — would be the Jupiter Hour. This type of sigil works well with other images. For example, you may wish to draw a circle around the letters and add pictures, other sigils such as an Ankh (life), a Pentacle (protection), or the Six-Rayed Star (manifestation). You may prefer to use the colors of blue or purple in your design. Remember to write your full name on the reverse side of the talisman.
Your next step is to empower your Notarikon, and here are the guidelines (which of course, can be changed depending upon your training and your belief system):
1. Always include and say aloud divinity during the activation. 2. Always say aloud precisely what you desire and the power you are calling on. 3. Always include and say aloud the element or elements pertaining to the request. (Example: By the Power of Great and Mighty Mars, Element of Fire…)
For this exercise, we are going to call upon the Spirit of the Universe (you can change this), by the power of Jupiter (which rules Pisces) and the element of Water. (Pisces’ element is water).
Today, as your basic ritual structure, cleanse and create sacred space. Cast a circle if you like. Create your talisman. Bless it with a dab of holy water or oil. Call upon the Spirit of the Universe, by the power of Jupiter and the element of water to: insert your desire here. As you do this, rub the talisman in your hands, then begin blowing on it softly, running the energy from the field of potential around you into the talisman. Rock back and forth if you like. Let the experience be free flowing like the HeartBeat meditation you did the other day where you not only became the light; but, easily directed it as well. Same thing here. When you are finished (you’ve lost the thought), draw an equal-armed cross on the talisman to seal it and announce that it is sealed. Carry the talisman with you, place under a candle for further empowerment, or put in a conjuring bag until you desire has manifested. As you have called upon the element of water for assistance, when it is time to deactivate the talisman, put it under running water, see the light in your mind that is around the talisman dissipate, and then throw it away.
Moving On!
Tomorrow we’ll be putting your environment back in order from the stress and mess of the holidays. Then, we are going to build a “Joy” altar for our New Year’s end of program beginning of the super new you program!!! Your altar should include personal goals, favorite colors or flowers, and the year “2015” written or in decoration of some kind. You will also need a decorated jar or box that we will activate on New Year’s Eve.
Summary — Here are today’s activities!
1. Perform Your Morning Braucherei Ritual (1 star) 2. Throw at or give at least ONE thing away. (2 stars) 3 Practice total stillness — (5 stars) 4. Design and draw a Notarikon (5 stars) 5. Empower your Talisman. (5 stars) 6. Do one 3-Minute Dash! (3 stars) 7. Empower a candle for spiritual healing. (2 stars) 8. Post how the program is going for you in the comment section (5 stars) 9. Don’t forget to do your Evening Walk Through right before you go to bed! (1 star)
Total Number of Stars You Can Earn Today: 29
See ya in the morning! Silver
Note: If you enjoyed today’s challenge, you might like to read Making Talismans by Nick Farrell, published by Mandrake Oxford.