Day 80 and our area moves from yellow to green -- where there are still restrictions and you are "encouraged" to wear a mask.
Today is the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon so I devised a meditation that is super calming and filled with power. You can change the words to suit as well as the intention you set. You only need a glass of water and space to sit outside on the ground near a tree. The meditation is super simple; yet, vast in its possible accomplishment. There are a total of four elements represented: Earth, Water, Air (your breath), and Spirit (of the earth, of the water, of the air, of humanity represented by you -- and of the Universe). Each element moves and flows in its own way -- every vibration is connected to every vibration.
Electrical pulses move through the earth, carrying your thoughts with them. Tree roots communicate across the world. Water can be magnetized with your prayers. Your breath carries your intent ... there are so many ways to weave connections involving these elements and part of the meditation is just that...allowing your thoughts to roam those sacred pathways.

I placed quartz crystals by my working area to ramp up the working. The dried corn and sunflower seeds are my offering to nature.
First, state your intent. Put your hands on the earth. Breathe in the power of the Mother. Allow a connection to form. Next, hold the water. Blow your intention into the liquid. Dip your fingers in the water -- feel the flow of the oceans, the rivers, the streams... Finally put both hands on a tree. Breathe deeply. Connect.
You can use a simple chant: "Earth, Water, Tree -- Protect my family and me." Just keep repeating the chant until you lose focus or until everything "turns white" in your mind. Or, you could choose: "Earth, Water, Tree -- peace and love from sea to sea" -- with the knowledge that the "elements" will carry your intent around the world.
Your Challenge Today! Enjoy the meditation! Big Hugs! Silver
Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace Within!
I've not received a post since day 80. I hope all is well and I enjoy the daily blog.