Day 3
Tuesday – 3 December
Sagittarius Sun – Element of Fire
Capricorn 1st Qtr Moon – Element of Earth
Mercury is Retrograde until Sunday, 15 December 2024
Greetings and Good Morning!
The moon has moved into steady, security-minded, earthy Capricorn. But, don’t let this sign fool you! It’s a go-getter! And a bit more discerning than some of the other signs. Capricorn likes structure, guidelines, and succinct pathways. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of both reward and limitation – Capricorn can seem a bit … um … stubborn … at times; but, what I like the best about this sign? It doesn’t like waste! And it can be fearless. And loyal. Perseverance, hard work, and goal setting are hallmarks of Capricornian influence! Give Capricorn a job and voila!
Today’s Challenge #1! (There are two of them.) With a paper and pen (pencil, whatever), take a walk through your entire living area and pay attention to what you see. Where is the most clutter? Where is the most dirt? Which area frustrates you, and why? Which areas feel important in terms of change? Your emotional barometer, a powerful tool that gives us loads of good info if we pay attention, will guide you in this process. In one of my cleansing classes, I teach the students to walk the entire living area and only make notes on how they feel in each room, not about what is in each room. At the end of a room’s assessment, the student is asked to rate the room from one to ten with one being pretty-darned-good and ten representing super-gross-awful. On completion of the walk-through, we discuss the feelings associated with each room and their tour in general. The rooms with the most clutter or uncomfortable feelings are often connected with specific memories that stand out from your every-day living experience. For today…just journal your feelings.
Create a “Peace” burn pot filed with dried cleansing herbs and a bit of crushed incense. Safely, fumigate particularly “sticky” areas in the home. Don’t worry, we will do a more thorough cleansing a bit later on. We’re just getting started! For this job I use an old cast iron cauldron and dried herbs from this year’s garden -- anise hyssop, African Basil, sage, lavender stalks, and lemon verbena.

Challenge #2 – Banishing the Hauggernaugger! Haugernauggers live in the corners of a room. The dirtier the corner? The bigger the Hauggernaugger! Corners can become pockets of negativity fairly quickly. This dirt traps and holds on to unhappiness, fear, and other negative emotions such as anger, disillusionment, despair, etc. Corners are sneaky because you don’t have to walk around them, or in them, or even near them. You can just ignore them and they will squat there, blending in to the scenery of your life collecting dirt, objects, errant underwear and even food trash. Today? We are going to expose those miscreant corners for what they are! First, list ALL the corners that are holding items – you know, the ones where you shoved stuff to keep it out of the way of foot traffic. Next, pick the LEAST offensive corner. Empty it. Clean it. DO NOT put anything back in this corner…today. Instead, do your best to throw or give away most of what you unearth. What’s left? Find a place where the object could be more useful, or with objects of similar type. One corner is all that is required to meet today’s challenge. If you want to do more? By all means, have at it! Hauggernauggers can quickly infest a home! In the coming weeks, try to fit additional corners into your transformation schedule.
This year? I bought an inexpensive steam cleaner. It’s not top of the line; but, it does the job well. I actually started “cleaning my corners” in early October as well as the baseboards and was amazed at how lighter the house felt after using the steamer with blessed water. You’ll find the link of the steamer I use below.
Spirit Message for Today

1. Do the Morning Ritual – earn one gold star.
2. Practice the Rattle Bath - 5 Gold stars
3. Complete Challenge #1 – 5 Gold Stars
4. Complete Challenge #2 Banish at least one Hauggernaugger!– 10 Gold Stars
5. Contemplate today’s Message from the Spirits of Structure. What do you hear? – 5 Gold Stars
6. Most important! Throw or give one thing away. – 2 Gold Stars
Possible Gold Stars Today: 28…oh! And If I ever count the stars wrong? You automatically get another 10!
May you have a wonderful, marvelous, magnificent day!
Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace within! Silver!
Required Posting: I have been a magickal crafter for many years and love sharing my how-to ideas with folks in my books, blogs, and websites. And, for years, I never thought of affiliate programs. Being almost 70? I’m having a great time embracing my Bucket List! And one of my goals is to work with affiliate programs – I mean, why not? I’ve sold a lot of books over the years, right? So! If you make a purchase after clicking on one of the affiliate links, I’ll earn some herbal tea money, which I promise to share with my friends while continuing to support your magickal journey. You do not pay a higher price. All tools, supplies, or books mentioned are those I favor in my own work. Happy Crafting!
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