Mint Basil and Stream of Conscious Writing -- Merry Yule!
Day 21 — 2011 Great Release Challenge! Winter Solstice Blessings! Wednesday 21, December by Silver RavenWolf
Ring the bell!
Ring the bell!
Ring the bell!
Merry Winter Solstice to you all! Okay, pleasantries done, let’s get down to business.
Why the typewriter on today’s illustration? Because our magickal task for today is experiencing the magick of stream of consciousness writing. That’s where I give you a subject, and you just start writing…anything…that comes to mind. You write for three minutes, and then stop. Later, we go over what you’ve written to learn what you really think of any issue, and if your subconscious has actually given you a solution; but, you just have been too busy thinking to let it rise to the surface. Stream of consciousness writing can also be useful when you are creatively stuck, and even if you want to do magick for something, and just haven’t settled on what you wish to do. In this type of writing, you do not use punctuation. You just write.
So! You will need your computer, or a pen and paper, and a kitchen timer (or your watch, or phone, or whatever that can keep time and let you know when your three minutes are up.). This is my Winter Solstice Ritual gift to you. Yeah, I know its not like the normal ritual — that’s the point. To give yourself room to relax and just go with the flow, go ahead and cleanse the writing area — maybe with a little holy water, some sacred incense…etc. Cast your circle if you like, or simply create sacred space. Blue candles are nice for mental clarity. When you’re ready, we’ll get started!
First Stream: For three minutes, just let yourself go and write whatever comes to mind about this holiday season, yule, winter solstice, the new year. Touch the flow of nature’s energy in the season.
Second Stream: For three minutes, write about what you want to release. What’s bothering you. What you know you need to let go of.
Third Stream: Write about what you want in your life. Your hopes. Your dreams. What you love. Your creativity. Talents. Joys. Write about what you want to accept in your life now that you have “written away” what you want to release.
Let’s look over what we’ve written. If the first stream is negative, that means you need to change your perception, quick! Perhaps a spiritual cleansing is in order. If the first stream is positive in nature…that’s great! You might want to save it for your Book of Shadows. If the stream was negative — let’s burn that one in a little ritual fire, maybe throw in some of those herbs and spices you’ll read about in a minute.
Second Stream — this one we definitely want to burn; however, read it first, you may find some surprises in there. Then, choose to let go (doesn’t work if you don’t choose), and burn this paper.
Third Stream — this one should be positive. Again, if it isn’t, burn it. If it is filled with good hopes and dreams and desires, we’re going to ask Spirit to bless the paper. Tonight, when you go to bed, put the paper under your pillow so that your dream self can help your wishes come true. This paper you may wish to decorate with magickal sigils, or place in a conjuring bag with special herbs and spices for manifestation. OR, you can roll up this paper up around a cinnamon stick (roll toward you) and tie with a red ribbon. Hang on your Yule tree, or save until New Year’s Eve to burn in a magickal cauldron.
If all three streams of writing were negative, that’s okay, wait 24 hours, do that cleansing, and try again. Keep doing cleansing activities until that third stream is very positive and reflects what you truly want in your life.
This type of writing (Stream of Consciousness) can be extremely helpful in all types of venues from parenting to situations on the job. Children love to do it, because it allows their imagination to take flight in glorious ways. When working with children, have them add their own illustrations.
Your Physical Mission Today —
For the Busy Person — Spice Cabinet
For the Dedicated Enthusiast — Spice Cabinet
The edible-rule-of-thumb states that spices and herbs should be used within the year purchased or harvested, as the aging process depletes the aroma and food properties of the herb/spice. The magickal-rule is a bit different. Here, some practitioners believe that if you empower the herb or spice when you first receive it, that it continues to collect positive energies, and ages more like wine — the older the better (as long as you have properly stored it).
When cooking, you might want to use this quick list of correspondences:
Allspice — money, abundance, good fortune, healing Basil — cooperation, cleansing, money, protection, love Bay — wishes, psychic gifts, healing, purification, and with white rum — uncrossing Black Pepper — protection, banishment, cleansing Caraway — passion and love Cardamom — lust Cinnamon — action, money, speed, psychic pursuits, love Cloves — money, abundance, protection Cumin — joy, peace, happiness Dill — speed, messages, money, fertility (modernly called the tipping-point herb), protection Garlic — long life, protection, good health Ginger — money, protection, talking to the dead, calm nervousness Horseradish — protection and cleansing Marjoram (Gold) — money, love, peace, happiness Mustard — protection, courage, safeguard on journey Nutmeg — psychism, dream magicks, money Oregano — harmony, peace, cleansing, stress reduction Parsley — money, banishment of irritation and stress, sex, prevent contamination Rosemary — ultimate cleanser, protection, healing, mental clarity Saffron — happiness and spirituality Sage — long life, cleansing, good health, healing Thyme — relationships, mental clarity, cleansing, make the spell last Vanilla — money, pleasure, happiness
If you think you’ll forget these correspondences, cut out the list and paste it to the inside of the spice cabinet door. Also, if you raise any of these herbs in your summer garden, you may have discovered more correspondences than the brief list mentioned here. For example, many thymes are creepers telling you that slow-and-steady wins that race. Basils are now available with several flavor enhancements — lemon basil is a definite cleanser, purple basil seems to be a favorite of the dead and dark goddesses…there is even a mint basil! Excellent for money magicks. Be sure to add that data, too.
For more information on magickal cooking, you may enjoy reading Scott Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen through Llewellyn World Wide Publications.
Remember that list you made on the first day? We have nine days left to tackle what’s on there.
Gold Star Meditation For Today —
If you complete today’s challenge — you earn another gold star! This is number Twenty-One! Yessir! This star stands for Joy (gotta have that!) and place it anywhere on your aura during today’s meditation.
Release Program Diary
Quite a few parties, family fun, and preparations, preparations, preparations! Two MORE bags from the basement and some broken furniture thing that I have no clue what it was.
Onward and upward!
Note: Typewriter in today’s illustration is a public domain photo http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/view-image.php?image=1983&picture=old-typewriter
taken by Petr Kratochvil, and yes I gave my donation.
Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace Within So Be It!
For Tomorrow: The Oven