Day 20
Friday– 20 December
Sagittarius Sun – Element of Fire
Virgo 3rd Qtr Moon (Earth)
Mars is Retrograde until Sunday, 23 February 2025
Greetings and Good Morning!
May Good Spirits Surround you this day!
Celestial Brew – A Quick Peek at the Heavens
Third Quarter Moon in Virgo –
The grounded nature of earth-oriented Virgo offers a solid foundation for self-reflection, helping us to sift through our experiences with a discerning eye. Emotions may be tempered by practicality, allowing for thoughtful decision-making and problem-solving. This lunar energy inspires individuals to engage in meaningful work, whether through organizing, decluttering, or addressing health-related issues. Overall, the third quarter Moon in Virgo invites a period of inward focus, urging us to harness our analytical skills to create a more harmonious balance within ourselves and our environments.
Today's Challenge…
Today, we are concerned with the atmosphere in our living environment. First, walk through the entire space and “feel” if anything seems to vibrate as inharmonious. Why? Be sure to take the time to answer this question. Aloud is best. Now, ask yourself, can you clean it, move it, or get rid of it? Once you have surveyed and made adjustments in each room, it is time for a spiritual cleansing to ensure your living area vibrates with peace. What if you have already done one? You can never do too many, not ever!
I do my weekly household spiritual cleansings in rounds. I begin by using the rattle in every room, followed by asperging with sage. Next, I sprinkle all four corners of every room with holy water. Finally, I carry a white, burning candle into every room, reciting softly (whispering) my closing statement that you have seen every day in this program:
Peace with the Gods
Peace with Nature
Peace within
If it has been a particularly rocky week, sometimes I use a lavender hydrosol I made during the summer months from plants in my garden for a finishing touch. After that, I seal every room by drawing an equal-armed cross in the air over the center of the room. There are also times when I open the windows during the entire cleansing process so that the negativity is driven outside, and then dress the sills with clove oil. This oil can stain, so be sure to test an area before applying.
Be sure to journal today’s experiences to remind yourself in the future of the powerful change this activity can make in your life. Often? We experience great things. Are amazed at the time. And then life progresses, and we forget. Today, let’s remember.
You are the magick!
Spirit Message for Today is from the Spirits of Cleansing
1. Do the Morning Ritual – earn one gold star.
2. Practice the Rattle Bath - 5 Gold stars
3. Complete Today’s Challenge – Spiritually Cleanse your living area with holy water, incense, and the light of a white candle. 25 Gold Stars If you journal the experience, add 10 Stars more!
4. Contemplate today’s Message from the Spirits of Cleansing. How do you feel about this message? – 5 Gold Stars
5. Most important! Throw or give one thing away. – 2 Gold Stars
6. Bed-Tyme Run – 5 Gold Stars
Possible Gold Stars Today: 53
What is your reward today?
Big hugs and best wishes
Have a lovely day!
Peace with the Gods
Peace with Nature
Peace Within!