Treat Your Pet to a Fun Spa Day!
Day Eighteen — 2011 Great Release Challenge! Sunday 18, December by Silver RavenWolf
Pet Day! Yup! Sometimes, during the flurry of the holiday season, we pass over our pets in a rush to take care of all that must-do stuff!
Grab Fluffy or Rex or Miles, or BoomBah…and
Ring the bell!
Your Physical Mission Today —
For the Busy Person — Paying Attention to the Needs of Your Pet
For the Dedicated Enthusiast — Paying Attention to the Needs of Your Pet
If you don’t own a pet? How about doing something nice for a friend or family member’s pet? Not an animal person? There’s probably a human in your life that could use a good deed! Or, perhaps you are a plant person. You could make this a Be Kind To Plant Day. Your choice!
Ahead of us? We still have the kitchen cabinets and the oven (two of the larger tasks). Since the weekend is here, I thought I’d mention them in case you have time now; but, won’t have time closer to the holiday crunch.
Gold Star Meditation For Today —
If you complete this challenge — you earn another gold star! This is number eighteen! Yippeeee! What does this one stand for? Your connection to the animal kingdom. Take some time with this one in meditation. Perhaps your totem animal will give you a message. Don’t have a totem animal? Maybe it will come to you in this meditation sequence.
Remember that list you made on the first day? Keep it handy, we’ll be working with it soon. I bet you are super getting sick of that sentence, huh!
Release Program Diary
Still working on catch-up items. When my son moved my bed last year, some of the supports came loose (I have this huge grandma’s-feather-bed-type-monstrosity). I finally got that fixed! I also gave away the stack of boxes on the back porch and brought another load of stuff up from the basement and out to the trash. It is slow; but, I’m plodding.
Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace Within So Be It!
For Tomorrow: Movies, books and magazines!