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Day 12 - Great Release Program - Silver RavenWolf

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

Day 12

Thursday– 12 December

Sagittarius Sun – Element of Fire

Taurus 2nd Qtr Moon – Element of Earth

Mercury is Retrograde until Sunday, 15 December 2024

Mars is Retrograde until Sunday, 23 February 2025

Greetings and Good Morning!

May Good Spirits Surround you this day!

Celestial Brew – A Quick Peek at the Heavens Today

Geminid Annual Meteor Shower – will peak overnight on December 13/14 (Friday/Saturday) – some view this event as a reminder of fellowship and love for humankind, but also that there is duality in all things. 

Today: Sagittarius Mercury trine Aquarian Venus –

The alignment of Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Venus in Aquarius creates a dynamic blend of fire and air energies, fostering a period ripe with inspiration and opportunities. Fun-loving and super-friendly, this planetary combination encourages open-minded communication and innovative thinking, allowing for unique ideas and creative expression to flourish. This is a good time to re-evaluate those glowing bits in our current artistic ventures to make them shine, shine, shine.

People may find themselves more inclined to share their visions and passions, making it an excellent time for collaboration and social interactions. You might suddenly understand something previously eluded you, particularly about another person or even in animal communication and behavior. Engaging in discussions with friends and family members about dreams, values, and aspirations can lead to meaningful connections and insight. Embrace this energy to explore new possibilities in both personal and professional realms as the optimistic and adventurous spirit of Sagittarius harmonizes beautifully with the innovative, visionary vibes of Aquarius. Your charm and social skills can definitely hit a high!

Today's Challenges…   

Under Stuff!  Yup!  Challenge #1 - That’s right!  We are going to check under…everything!  Dust bunnies and petrified bugs beware!  We’re commin’ fer ya!  Stacks of stuff (what is that?), deceased pet toys, dehydrated banana peels (found that once), and I do hope to the Goddess that pile there is coffee grounds…


From under the bed to beneath the table, don’t forget to check out those stand-alone shelves in the office.  And spirits preserve us; let’s NOT forget about the bathroom (behind the toilet, black).  On your mark!  Get set!  Go, baby, go!


One of my favorite house cleaning tools is the trusty dust buster!  My son laughed at me because I was always using it – he stopped laughing after he moved into his own apartment and I bought him one.  Yeah.  Right.  Mama knows!  You’ll find a link below for the model I’ve been using for this program.  I like it.  It is lightweight, super portable, and has good pickup.  Treat yourself! 


The Bed-Tyme Run!  Challenge #2 -- Yes, it is definitely time to add this important component to our Great Release Program Day!  Right before you hit the hay, grab a small basket and a trash bag and motor through your living environment looking for the following offenders:


     Trash goes in the trash bag

      Items definitely out of place go in the basket


You have five minutes…tops!  After the 5 minutes are up, put your basket items where they belong and dump the trash in the correct receptacles.  Now.  If the out-of-place items don’t belong to you…well!  Dump them in the offender’s lap and skip merrily off to bed.


Spirit Message for Today


1. Do the Morning Ritual – earn one gold star.

2. Practice the Rattle Bath - 5 Gold stars

3. Complete Today’s Challenges (or one of your own) – Under Challenge: 15 Gold Stars and the Bed-Tyme Run earns you 10 Gold Stars

4. Contemplate today’s Message from the Spirits Spirits of Protection.  How do you feel about this message? – 5 Gold Stars

5. Most important! Throw or give one thing away. – 2 Gold Stars

Possible Gold Stars Today:  38

What is your reward today?

Big hugs and best wishes

Have a lovely day!

Peace with the Gods

Peace with Nature

Peace Within!


I have been a magickal crafter for many years and love sharing my how-to ideas with folks in my books, blogs, and websites.  And, for years, I never thought of affiliate programs.  Being almost 70?  I’m having a great time embracing my Bucket List! And one of my goals is to work with affiliate programs – I mean, why not?  I’ve sold a lot of books over the years, right?  So!  If you make a purchase after clicking on one of the affiliate links, I’ll earn some herbal tea money, which I promise to share with my friends while continuing to support your magickal journey.  You do not pay a higher price.  All tools, supplies, or books mentioned are those I favor in my own work.  Happy Crafting!

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