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Vetiver (Khus-Khus) -- combination of essential oil, fragrance, and herbal powder


9 Soy Tea Candles


Vetiver, an aromatic grass grown in India, has been used for centuries in medicinal and well-being practices.  I began experimenting with Vetiver in my dreaming magick/deep meditation research.


Some attribute Vetiver to Mercury and Air, where others choose the earth correspondence and Venus (or Saturn) because of its musky aroma.  This is a twist herb -- that can be used to heal or hex -- such is its great power.  A star in the lineup of herbals, for me, vetiver is a must-have in my magickal cabinet for a compendium of purposes, which I have listed on the colorful card that accompanies your candles.


These include (but are not limited to) emotional peace, healing, protection during sleep, beak hexes, guard against psychic attack, return negativity to the sender, bring balance to earth centered individuals, heighten sexuality, disarm grief, divert depression, lessen shock, dial down nervous behavior, bring prosperity, ward off thieves and more.  The herb is also used as a fixative in potpourri and sachets.


Soy Wax
Essential Oils
Cotton Wick for clean burn
Plastic tea candle cup
Herbals Included in Wax


Tea Candles are packaged in plastic bag.   These high quality, aromatic soy tea candles are perfect for spells, mini rituals, quarter lights, meditation, and all manner of mental magicks.  If long burning pillars aren't for you due to living constraints, a hectic schedule, or simply personal preference -- these little gems pack the same high quality wax and herbals as the larger candles.


Directions for Use:   Place tea candle in a fire safe holder.  These tea candles are meant for a full burn and will last approximately 2 hours. Never leave burning candle unattended, particularly due to the herbals included in wax.  If you must put this candle out -- remember to trim wick before you relight.  Keep flame away from curtains, walls, clothing, and other flammables.  Always monitor any burning candle.  If you must put the tea candle out before it finishes burning, remember to trim the wick at next re-light to prevent a heavy flame.


Warning: Please use safe burn practices. Any lit candle is a hazard to life and property.


Disclaimer:  The true magick lies within yourself.  Whisper Magick Spell Candle Company or the Whisper Magick website does not sell magick, nor do we guarantee the outcome of any meditation, spell, ritual, or magickal working.  Our focus is on a quality product based on construction and materials.  We believe that if you think it -- you make it.

Vetiver 9 Soy Tea Candles

  • Disclaimer:  The true magick lies within yourself.  The Spell Candle Company  or Whisper Magick does not sell magick, nor do we guarantee the outcome of any meditation, spell, ritual, or magickal working.  Our focus is on a quality product based on construction and materials.  We believe that if you think it -- you can make it.

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