Job Find -- 9 Soy Tea Candles
Finding Your Dream Job Formula -- Specifically designed for workings to find employment. The formula is a traditional one Hydrangia, Honeysuckle, Galangal, Devil's Shoestring, and Ginger.
You can set the light alone, or use with Money Draw, Steady Income, or Jupiter's Gain formulas. I was taught to use this blend along with two, brand new hammers. The hammers can be large or small -- your choice. On a small piece of paper, write all that you desire in employment. Fold the paper toward you. Dress with honey. Place the paper between the two crossed hammers then secure the hammers together in a crossed position with red yarn or twine.
Leave the hammers bound until you receive the job you need (or want). If you receive an employment opportunity and take it; but, it wasn't quite what you wanted, leave the hammers secured together and continue working with them until the right job comes to you. Some individuals place the hammers in a window of the home that faces east for continued good fortune through employment. The crossed hammers symbolize the Gyfu Rune. You may also wish to add the Dagaz rune for welcoming a new day and a new job.
If you are truly desperate for employment, try invoking the Seven Angels of the Seven Rays. Encircle the crossed hammers with the names of the 7 Archangels as you understand them to be (different religions have different line-ups of angelic power). Intone their names each 3 times. Repeat for 7 nights.
I can not guarantee that any of the magickal operations I've listed will work for you -- they did; however, work for me in the past.
Soy Wax
Essential Oils
Cotton Wick for clean burn
Plastic tea candle cup
Herbals Included in Wax
Tea Candles are packaged in plastic bag. These high quality, aromatic soy tea candles are perfect for spells, mini rituals, quarter lights, meditation, and all manner of mental magicks. If long burning pillars aren't for you due to living constraints, a hectic schedule, or simply personal preference -- these little gems pack the same high quality wax and herbals as the larger candles.
Directions for Use: Place tea candle in a fire safe holder. These tea candles are meant for a full burn and will last approximately 2 hours. Never leave burning candle unattended, particularly due to the herbals included in wax. Keep flame away from curtains, walls, clothing, and other flammables. Always monitor any burning candle. If you must put the tea candle out before it finishes burning, remember to trim the wick at next re-light to prevent a heavy flame.
Warning: Please use safe burn practices. Any lit candle is a hazard to life and property.
Disclaimer: The true magick lies within yourself. CrowCrossroads Spell Candle Company or the Whisper Magick website does not sell magick, nor do we guarantee the outcome of any meditation, spell, ritual, or magickal working. Our focus is on a quality product based on construction and materials. We believe that if you think it -- you make it.
Job Find Formula Soy Tea Candles
Disclaimer: The true magick lies within yourself. The Spell Candle Company or Whisper Magick does not sell magick, nor do we guarantee the outcome of any meditation, spell, ritual, or magickal working. Our focus is on a quality product based on construction and materials. We believe that if you think it -- you can make it.