Witches In the News
This past Mercury Retrograde certainly kept me busy! From working on my genealogy files, to updating my Twitter account, organizing my small office space, and much more. Although the weather was less than delightful here, I was able to finish several open projects and prepare for great new ones!
My new WordPress Blog is the first project launch after the retrograde cycle. My website has been completely rebuilt and we are only waiting for appropriate paperwork to come through to finish the launch. I’ve attached my Twitter to my FaceBook; this way I can update both at the same time. When the new website opens you’ll find that it, too, will be connected to both Twitter and FaceBook.
I also spent a lot of time these past few weeks reconnecting with old friends and continuing to work with new ones! From the Amani Festival to several meetings at my house, we’ve been cooking up tons of magick. I also wrote the basic format for the Pow-Wow healing circle that we do, and will be sharing the chants and charms with you through this blog. That way, you can use the same material when you work along with us every other Thursday Night.
I’ve had several folks ask me about Pow-Wow training. I’m continuing to work on the lessons, have started a few students (although they have had to patiently wait) and I will get back to those of you who have shown a genuine interest. The name of the organization is The Divine Order of the Black Star — Braucherei and PowWow, and will consist of those already skilled or wishing to learn the art and science of the Pow-Wow system.
The artwork in this post also represents some of my projects over the retrograde period. I visited graveyards, took in my first flea market of the season, created a To Do Project Journal, and worked magick with a lot of old skeleton keys to open the way for future endeavors. When I found the old photo at the flea market I just had to have it. It would be nice to live in a world where Witches were congratulated for the work that they do — from healing, to charity, to investigations — without the stigma of being strange. I wanted to show, in art form, that we are more commonplace than the general public believes.
I hope that you enjoy the new blog format, and keep coming back to visit! In service Silver