Pumpkin Prosperity Powder/Wealth Herbal Mix by Silver RavenWolf copyright 2010
Take advantage of the harvest season to whip up an extra special prosperity powder to share with family members and covenmates! You can use all the ingredients listed here, or add herbs from your own garden.
Supplies: Dried Pumpkin Seeds Corn Meal Dried Marigold Petals Small Cinnamon Chips Dried Patchouli Devil’s Shoestring Chips Dried Cinquefoil Dried Chocolate Mint Gold or Red Glitter (optional)
Step One. Grind dried pumpkin seeds, Devil’s Shoestring chips and cinnamon chips to a rough powder.
Step Two. Mix all ingredients together except dried marigold petals and glitter. Sprinkle onto cookie sheet. Draw the runic sigil Feoh in the mixture to attract good fortune (or other wealth sigil of your choice). Bake at 200 degrees for three hours (to thoroughly dry mixture) Or leave out in strong sunlight for at least a full day (weather conditions permitting). This is to ensure that your mixture won’t mold while stored over the winter months.
Step Three. Cool. Add dried marigold petals and glitter. You may also wish to add some whole dried pumpkin seeds as well. If you like, you can draw the Feoh rune on the whole seeds with indelible marker. Cover with black cloth until you are ready to empower.
Step Four. Remove black cloth and walk three times in a circle in a sunwise direction. This is to emulate the birth of the powder as a functioning whole (to create wealth). Empower mixture for success, prosperity, and good fortune on a new or first quarter moon, or when the moon is in a fertile sign. Best done in sunlight. OR you can take this formula one step further to super charge the mixture. To add extra magickal oomph! bury jar in the ground for three days (an old Pow-Wow trick) and then empower in a magick circle. Place quartz crystals on the ground over the jar to assist in magnetizing good fortune energies. Dig up jar after three days. Place jar in the east where it will catch the first rays of the sun on the fourth day.

Step Five. Pour mixture in a jar. Add any special symbols you might like, including the Feoh rune drawn on a slip of paper, or a wealth talisman of your choice. Mixture is ready to use in candle magick, in conjuring bags, etc. and will make a super-something-special gift at your upcoming Samhain ritual celebration!

Option: Decorate the container that will hold your Wealth Mixture. This photo shows two different wealth talismans that I created using Photoshop 8. I printed the talismans on photo paper, glued them to the canning jar lids, then sealed the sigils with an indoor/outdoor sealer.
Note: This mixture is not edible.
Happy Crafting!